
Jimmy Hinton

Jimmy Hinton grew up in Shanksville, PA just over a mile from where United 93 went down on 9/11. He is a faithful husband, father, and minister. Jimmy has a very unique perspective on abuse. He grew up in the home of a predator, but Jimmy did not know that his father was a predator until a member from the congregation where he grew up and where his father had previously preached disclosed to Jimmy that they had been abused by Jimmy’s father. Jimmy went through the process of turning his father in and leading the congregation dealing with the aftermath of abuse and conviction of their long time minister.

Christine Fox Parker – Porch Swing Ministries

Christine Fox Parker offers in-depth and engaging workshops founded on solid biblical truths to help you and your institution create safer spaces for all individuals under your care, provide for the particular needs of victims and survivors of abuse, and be more aware of the techniques and mind of predatory abusers to help you more fully understand how to identify them.

PorchSwing Ministries, Inc seeks to offer a safe space where church abuse survivors can find Kingdom community in ways that feel safe and, hopefully, lead them back into the vibrant Kingdom life they once had and continue to yearn for.